About Us
Followfox was founded kind of accidentally when we helped a few clients from our sister business grow their Instagram accounts. We saw the huge, positive impact the growth of their Insta accounts had on their business’ sales and figured we could bring all those great benefits to others. Thus, Followfox was born. Turns out we’re really good at growing IG accounts, taking some client accounts from 10k followers to 100k followers!
As a business ourselves, we know how important social media is in today’s marketplace, especially Instagram. Sure, Instagram can be fun but it can also earn you lots of money and this is where Followfox thrives--bringing you the followers so you can get to the earning potential you desire.
Our experienced team members each average 8+ years in social media marketing and have extensive personal and professional knowledge in Instagram. We not only know theoretically what to do, we know how to do it practically—and now we get to do it for our clients.